Ep 14 - Good news! You can’t do that anymore.

Life has phases as we grow. If we don’t adapt to the requirements and capabilities of a new phase, we can get pretty frustrated. To flourish in our second half, we need to accept there are things we can’t do anymore. But that’s actually really good news! In this episode, find out why.

Dur: 13.27 mins

Key points

  • You're older now, and there are plenty of things you can no longer do safely. Get used to it, it's perfectly OK.

  • Reframe that so-called loss as normal, and as a so-called gain in other areas; like maturity, work privileges or time-off.

  • Quietly revel in your new-found superpowers like perspective, prior knowledge, and wisdom.

  • Use other people's energy instead; you not only save yourself, you also give them work.

From this episode

“And a word to men in particular: You are no longer Superman. Get used to it, and get yourself some help.”


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I’d love to hear from you if you have any comments, ideas or questions. Or even if you just need a sounding board for something you’re currently thinking about.


Rob Bialostocki

Hi there, I’m Rob and I love thinking, writing and speaking about living a life that matters, and becoming a better person in your second half of life. I’ve worked as a professional radio announcer, event producer, and for over 25 years a learning and development specialist in the corporate and professional services worlds. I have tertiary qualifications in science, teaching and psychology. I like to walk the talk so you get real, honest ideas and insights for your own life. Get in touch anytime.


Ep 15 - Being mindful in midlife and beyond


Ep 12 - What’s your note to Self?